Day 19 – 30 Days of Thankful

Today I am thankful for my best friend.

When I talk about her on  Ruling The Nest I refer to her as Boobs… it’s been one of her nicknames for years and she loves it that I still use it.

Boobs and I have been friends for close to 18 years now.  We have had much discussion about how we became friends because honestly, one day we did not know each other and than the very next day we were inseparable.  It is weird to us that we have not been friends for longer because it just feels like we have known each other for all our lives.  We are soul-mates!

Boobs is my person.  There is no other way to put it.  I have a wonderful husband who is a great friend and a great partner and who I love with all my heart.  I have wonderful children who are my world and who I would do anything for. My husband and my children are my everything, but Boobs, she completes my circle.  There is this joke between me, Boobs and The Hubby about how I married the male version of my best friend, because they are oddly and freakishly alike.  She is the only other person on this planet next to my husband who knows all there is to know about me.  I don’t have a lot of people who I let get really close to me, I have trust issues.  I have been hurt by people I thought would always have my back.  I have hurt people too and lost trust in myself to be a good friend for a long time.  Boobs helped me regain some of that trust.  She reminded me what being a good friend means and how it is suppose to feel to trust someone.  I honestly don’t think that I would have the relationship I have with my husband if it was not for the relationship I have with Boobs.  She has always been the kind of friend who embraces me for me and loves all of me, even with all my faults.  Not only does this speak volumes for the kind of person that Boobs is… but it speaks to the kind of friend she has reminded me I am meant to be.  She is, without doubt one of only two people I know that I can trust, and that I know will be there for me 100% of the time.  She has provide herself and her love for me and support of me time and time again.

There is something amazing about knowing you have a person who you can turn to, who you can lean on, who you can support, who you can cry to, who you can laugh with, who you can vent to, who you can pray with, who you can sing with, who you can bare your soul to, who you can show the most vulnerable sides of yourself to, who you can complain about your spouse to, who you can listen to for hours, who you can go months without seeing, but not a day without talking to, who you can just look at and they know what you are thinking, who you can trust your children with, who you can trust your spouse with,  who will wipe away tears, who will hold your hair back for you when you are sick, who will hold your hand on your darkest days, who stand next to you on your greatest days, who will allow you to be, who will hold you accountable, who will understand when you say you want to run away, who you know will be right next to you every step of the way.

I am a better person because I have the best friend that I have.  Boobs makes me a better person.  We live 1000 miles apart now and yet I never feel like she is not right there next to me!!